Logan Moon Photography
Capture life’s most precious moments with Logan Moon Photography, a Huntsville area business for all of your photography needs: weddings, portraits, sporting events, etc. My passion for photography began in 2019 as a sophomore in high school where I learned the basics while helping with the yearbook. From that point I started covering all school events and in the midst of it, building a foundation I can make a career of. One thing I pride myself on when dealing with clients is that honesty is the most important aspect; being ethical with my business is my top priority while also helping the community and giving back to local schools. Always remembering where I come from is important, and remembering the great minds who helped guide me in the right direction is something only people with wisdom can help with. I plan to continue building my profitable and purposeful business beyond the Huntsville area and provide opportunities for other young creators to learn about the photography business as that is something I wish was available when I started. For now you can keep up with me on social media, and I hope to one day have you or someone you know in front of the camera. Clients are more than “clients;” you become a part of something bigger in my book!